Curated by India Cinema HouseNow Showing
86 Min    docu-fiction    Telugu

A Love Letter to Cinema

Rohit Penumatsa, Sasi
A filmmaker attempts to make a film inspired by Jafar Panahi's Taxi Tehran.
Curated by India Cinema HouseNow Showing
99 Min    fiction    Kannada

The Maya of Bunnu K Endo

Ramchandra P N
A runaway couple seeking freedom become the unfortunate pawns in the larger game of an unnamed multinational company, revealing the claustrophobic nature of the all-powerful neo-liberal world that seems to squeeze out freedom in all forms.
Hosted by ICH
Event Completed

ICH Live - Q&A

Live interview with filmmakers Rohit Penumatsa & Sasi. Got questions for them? LOGIN/SIGN UP to post them in the comments below or create a FRAME and tag it as a question!
Film: A Love Letter to Cinema

Be a part of the movement.

In an era where film-watching experience is transforming, India Cinema House is an effort to bring the spirit of community film watching to the digital space. In this wave of change, to ensure certain films are not lost, and we as an audience are not merely watching films in isolation, ICH brings together the experience of exhibition, hosting & discussion - all at one place - so that we can empower each other through cinema.

To know more about ICH, head over to our about page.

Programming on ICH Platform

India Cinema House is open for submission from filmmakers, curators & film communities to host & exhibit on the platform. Currently ICH is looking only for feature length films (min 60 Mins) from India of all genres and in any language.

•    Each film on the platform will be active only for a limited period. 

•    The screenings are ticketed.
•    We are working towards a dashboard for complete transparency.
•    All films, including those programmed by India Cinema House, will be showcased on the homepage according to screening dates to ensure fair and equal visibility to all films.
•    All films, curators, institutions and filmmakers must adhere to our Community Exhibition Guidelines which are set in place to safeguard the interests of the filmmaking community and our audience.

•    Our revenue sharing structures have been drafted to ensure sustainability and fairness to all the parties involved.
•    We do not believe in following the tradition of only scouting for festival recognised films, but to go beyond the usual distance and find the films that are lost in the stringent definitions of ‘great’ cinema.

Films are programmed on ICH in 3 ways:

Programmed by ICH
Filmmakers & Rights holders may submit their films to be programmed by ICH. When ICH programs a film, we take care of the film's page - where we aid discussions & engagement, create ancillary content like video essays, interviews, etc to start conversations about the film.

Revenue Sharing -

To submit your film, find the submission button at the end of the page.

Programmed by Film Communities, Institutions & Film Curators
Different film communities have different philosophies of what cinema is. At ICH we aim to bring together all these different ideas of cinema into confluence, and build conversations to take filmmaking forward.

If you are a curator or a film community and have a film on your mind you’d like to screen, you can do it on ICH.

•    No long term commitment. No obligation. We do this per film.

•    We provide complete access to the film's page where you can organise events and drive conversations around the film that you program  - Q&As, Panel discussions, whatever you can think of. ICH is not just about exhibition so our expectation is that you take the lead in building engagement around the film.

Revenue Sharing:

•    Make sure you have the NOC from the rights holder/filmmaker.
•    Your curatorial note stating your intention and the reason why you’d like to screen this film. This  note will also be later published on the platform before the screening.

To program a film, find the submission button at the end of the page.

Filmmaker Self-Distribution
We understand that the 'independent' in 'independent filmmaker' comes with not just the autonomy but the responsibility of ensuring the reach of one's film across divides. Therefore to ease the struggle of self-distribution, you can use the platform to showcase your film.

We provide complete access to the film's page where you can organise events and drive conversations around the film. 

Revenue Sharing -

Submit your film for self-distribution below. 

Submit Film